埼玉農産物ポータルサイト SAITAMAわっしょい! > 知る > Agricultural Production in Saitama > Fukaya Negi
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Page Number:158959
Updated:October 6, 2022
The Fukaya Negi is a type of onion with a long stalk that is an indispensable part of Japanese food culture. In particular, the Fukaya Negi is popular throughout Japan for its year-round availability and distinct flavor.
It has a sweet taste that can be enjoyed in the wintertime and a slightly sharp taste that can be savored in the summertime.
Considering its quality and volume of production, the Fukaya Negi can be called the best negi in Japan.
This type of negi is also very healthy, because it contains antioxidants that can be effective for preventing cancer.